Early Intervention Services
Early intervention services promote healthy, sustainable ways to build and maintain a safe and healthy workplace for your employees. These services provide on-site recommendations for preventing minor musculoskeletal irritations, both work and/or non-work related. Through a variety of assessment, coaching and wellness programs, our Work Care providers help employers build and maintain their early intervention programs on an ongoing basis.
Why Employers Need an Early Intervention Program
Early intervention focuses on workplace ergonomics and employee education to prevent workplace injuries and promote the health and safety of your employees. Structured to fit your company's needs, our certified athletic trainers (ATCs) identify opportunities to prevent injuries before they occur. This customization service helps avoid potential workers’ compensation claims, reduces lost time days and DART rates.
Types of Early Intervention Services
SIH offers a variety of early intervention evaluation and recommendation services to help employers build and maintain a safe workplace. These services include:
Ergonomic Risk Assessment & Evaluation - By assessing ergonomic risk factors in the workplace, we make recommendations to help avoid minor musculoskeletal irritations that could lead to disorders or injuries.
Physical Job Demand Analysis - A Physical Job Demand Analysis is a structured process designed to assess the environmental requirements of a job.
Job Coaching - When an employee returns to work following an injury, it is essential to give them the tools necessary to succeed. Our providers help your employees re-integrate into the workplace safely. Job coaching trains the employee in postural awareness and work techniques which help them minimize their risk of re-injury. Coaching may include work modification, task scheduling and breaks to allow for workplace stretching.
Material Handling Instruction & Management Training - Musculoskeletal injuries are common for jobs that require manually moving objects or materials. Through proper knowledge, movement techniques and equipment training, these injuries are often preventable. Our material handling instruction and management walks an employer through how these injuries can occur and, more importantly, how to train your employees in preventing them.
Stretching Programs - Injury prevention programs may include introducing regular group stretching exercises for your employees. While stretching exercises are not a substitute for comprehensive injury prevention, they can help prevent musculoskeletal injuries and disorders.
Wellness Programs - Wellness activities allow employers to proactively improve or maintain their employees' quality of life, health, and well-being. We offer health coaching, therapy, health risk assessment (HRA) and on-site education seminars as part of our workplace wellness programs.