Functional Capacity Evaluation
A functional capacity evaluation (FCE) is a comprehensive physical assessment that measures a person’s ability to perform work-related tasks following an injury. An FCE exam uses OccuPro, an industry-standard software designed for tracking FCE and return-to-work protocols. This exam helps determine whether an employee’s physical demand levels have been restored to pre-injury conditions.
What to Expect During a Functional Capacity Test
The functional capacity test can take anywhere from 4-6 hours. During this time, a Work Care provider reviews medical documents, asks a series of questions and performs objective physical testing. Testing includes a musculoskeletal evaluation, followed by measuring a series of functional tasks related to the job, including effort testing for standard movements, like walking, climbing stairs and gripping, lifting and pulling objects.
After the test, the provider completes a residual functional capacity form that details the employee’s abilities and limitations. This form is submitted to the employer, insurance company and any other representative that requires access to it for matters related to compensation or work reintegration.
Request an Appointment
To schedule an appointment or learn more about functional capacity testing, contact SIH Work Care at 618-993-3817.